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The Hobsons Bay Main Sewer (HBMS), constructed in the 1960s, transfers approximately 30 per cent of Melbourne’s wastewater to the Western Treatment Plan at Werribee.

The sewer alignment has a single sewer crossing under the Yarra River, which has deteriorated to a point where it requires rehabilitation and/or replacement. The Hobson Bay main Yarra crossing duplications project is the construction of a new sewer alongside the current HBMS to ensure there are no disruptions to the critical sewer network and will allow for the future uninterrupted rehabilitation of the existing crossing.

This presentation covers the design and construction of the new sewer; tunnelling and excavating shafts in difficult ground conditions, constructing shafts over the critical live sewers, completing the live connections and bringing the new sewer successfully into service.

ATS Platinum Sponsor John Holland.



  • 6.00 pm AEST: Presentation and Q&A


  • 5.30 pm AEST: Guest arrival, registration, networking
  • 6.00 pm AEST: Presentation and Q&A
  • 7.00 pm: Event ends

About the speaker

Nick Cox
Construction Manager, John Holland


Nick is a Construction Manager at John Holland. During his 16 years as a civil engineer with John Holland, Nick has specialised in major road, rail and water infrastructure tunnelling projects in Victoria, NSW and Queensland.

His expertise includes TBMs, pipejacking, mined tunnelling, ground treatment and shaft sinking in both hard and soft ground. Nick has been at the forefront of implementing key project innovations such as the use of glass-reinforced plastic linings and manholes and the development of mechanical flumes for live sewer diversion works.

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